Thursday, June 14, 2007

random thoughts

hey everyone!
sorry i didnt post yesterday. ashley was over and so i didnt have time. instead of a real devotion last night, ashley and i just started on our books for our discipleship class with Kim. So i dont have a devotion to tell y`all about today but i do have some random thoughts ima share with y`all.

first. im excited about georgia with the youth group tomorrow. except for the fact that i really dont like rollercoasters all that much, i have a feeling i'll probably have to learn to like them before the end of the trip because i think i may be drug onto them, even if im kicking and screaming. haha. either that or ill have to become a beast, and be able to dump mitchell in a trashcan, mr allen says.

also. i was thinking yesterday during Kims class when she was talking about people we hang out with and how thankful i am for the wonderful friends God has given me. i get to surround myself with the most amazing people ever. its great to hang out with people like ashley because we can talk about Jesus and what hes done for us, and we pretty much agree on everything :] ashley is def the best friend ever.

i was talking to ashley last night. and we realized, we were freshman two years ago. we have two years of highschool left, & then we're out. its rather scary. im not ready to be out of highschool & away from all my friends. so lets just hope these next two years seem extordinarily long.

another thing. isnt it great whenever you get to catch up with a friend you havent talked to in awhile? i had drivers ed tuesday and one of my really close friends from freshman year was in there, and i hadnt talked to him at all sophomore year, and we got to hang out for awhile. it was neat.

and lastly, i really like this anberlin song called "The Unwinding Cable Car" anberlin is a Christian rock band, and they're...different...more posthardcore, so idk if everyone would like them, but i think they're pretty amazing so if you get a chance, listen to that song. this particular song is more alternative, its acoustic, so give it a try :]

i love y`all
God Bless!
- crystal jade

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