Friday, June 22, 2007

marvelous light!

hey y`all!!
VBS was amazingg!! i had a great time this week and Dan Carroll was really cool! im sad its over! but anyway, today i want to talk about a song we sing in youth band. marvelous light! it has some really great lyrics. heres part of the song:
"sin has lost its power
death has lost its sting
from the grave You've risen
in to marvelous light im running
out of darkness, out of shame
by the cross You are the truth
You are the life
You are the way."
Dan showed us the verse this song came from, which is 1 Peter 2:9, "But ye are a chosen generation a royal preisthood, an holy nation a peculiar people; that ye should show forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvelous light"
Jesus saves us from the darkness and brings us into his marvelous light. and once we accept Jesus and are brought into his marvelous light, like the song says, sin loses power over us, and death no longer can hurt us, because when we die, we go to spend an eternity with God! all because Jesus defeated the penalty for sin-death-when he died for us on the cross. when we enter Jesus's marvelous light we are free from the darkness and shame of sin just like the song says because Jesus is the truth, the life, and the ONLY way :] so Jesus saved us from our sin. and it is only through him that we come into this marvelous light. that is a pretty amazing song, dont ya think?
i love y`all!
God Bless!
- crystal jade

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