Wednesday, January 9, 2008

hey everyone!

hey y'all!
i know its been awhile. and i must apologize but i have to be short tonight because i need to go memorize my speech for my exam on friday...4 pages...prayyy for meee. well lets see...updates...i got my liscense, FINALLY! exams couldnt be any more exhausting. they're awful. my new years resoloution this year was to read the entire bible, so im reading the entire bible this year :] i've been reading in Genesis. its very interesting. i like it a lot, meltdown is sooo soon. im excited. things with mitchell are still difficult, so please pray for that, because im not doing so well when it comes to us. nothing else really is new. just pray for my friend zach still b/c hes still not saved, but Jesus is workin' on him :] i know he isss.
well i love y'all!
God Bless!
- crystal jade

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