Wednesday, December 19, 2007


hey y'all!
today...lets see. i got up, went to made fun of by chadley, as usual. came home, went and gave evan [my 6 year old boogerman] his Christmas present & then it was off to church, where mitchell decided it would be amusing to hit me with a large ball multiple times and push the table into my head. gosh hes such a dork. but im glad hes feeling better. anyways, we finished watching the nativity story, which was really great. it makes me admire Joseph and Mary for what they had to endure. and to see our savior being born. even on a movie, it just made me think about how he was born, marked for death, born to die for us, for our sins. and how big of a sacrifice that really was. its pretty much amazing what he did for us. and so we really need to remember the real reason for Christmas. sure the giving and getting is great. but we have to remember Christmas is really all about celebrating the birth of our wonderful savior, Jesus Christ. who gave everything, including his own life, so that we might be saved. so just remember...Jesus is the real reason for the Christmas season!!
i love y'all
God Bless!
- crystal jade

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