Wednesday, October 24, 2007

chruch day!

hey y'all.
todays wednesday. which, as most of you know, me & candace have nicknamed, church day. today was good. like wednesdays usually are. i got 5 more slides almost done on my AP english presentation, i rode home w/ candace & we hung out then went to church [ima talk to you about what we watched at church tonight] but anyway, i talked to megan & mrs rhonda & mr mark, mitchells still sick. poor mitch=(. and i found out something really cool tonight. im totally going to sound like the biggest nerd you've ever met, but, im excited b/c JR Tolkien, who wrote The Lord of the Rings, was a Christian, && The Lord of the Rings is based off of the bible!! i think thats pretty much amazing. so mr allen challenged us to watch LOTR [or chronicles of narnia] from the biblical stand point. so im gunna do that in the next few days, maybe weeks, haha, whenever i have time, and i'll post about the stuff i see in the movies.
for right now i want to tell y'all about the video we watched at bible study tonight. i think it was pretty awesome. it was called "Epic" and it was about how the Bible is an Epic story and it was linking it with other epic stories such as, LOTR. the Bible really is an amazing Epic story about the wonderful things God has done, and the villian that is against him-satan. The guy on the video said something to me that REALLY stuck out, he said, "We've heard a lot about orignial sin, but not enough about original glory." which is true. generally in church when we talk about Genisis, we talk about the sin Adam & Eve commited and the effect it had on mankind. but think, we should also focus on the original glory, how God created all the wonderful things such as the earth and its plants & animals. It shows his gentle kindness, and also his amazing power. so tonight...think about Gods orignial glory!
i love y'all!
God Bless!
- crystal jade

1 comment:

Peter Davidson said...

Jesus said, "Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me."

Yea, come unto Christ -- come and see!