Friday, October 5, 2007

when you just dont understand

hey y'all
today was really boring. i sat at home all day. i was supposed to hangout with candace, but she never called back. i am really struggling with some things right now and i just really need y'all to pray for me. a lot of drama and worries and stuff.
so i did my devotion on when you just dont understand things. 1 Corinthians 13:12 says, "Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now i know in part; then i shall know fully, even as i am fully known" as humans, we can never fully understand the hand of God. but as believers, we have to have trust in what God is doing in our lives. we are going to face trials in our life that make us sad, fearful, worried but we have to seek Gods will. not our own. and we have to pray and realize that he is here. and that his will is best for us. when we turn our lives over to him complete he will give us the strength to get through whatever trial we are going too. and even though sometimes we may not understand his plan for us, we must trust it. and follow it. Paul Tournier said, "When tehre is no longer any opportunity for doubt, theres no longer any opportunity for faith, either." if things are so certain that they cannot be doubted, we do not have to have faith in them. in uncertain situations is where we must have faith that God will see us through it and that we will come out stronger, and his plan is the one we need. so i ask you have the faith to trust in your Father's plan??
i love y'all!

God Bless!
- crystal jade

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