Sunday, December 16, 2007

long time no postt.

hey y'all!
i know. its been a LONGG time. i've been extremely stressed lately. and also extremely busy. i wasnt home one night this past week. i've got so much to get done for Christmas and then theres chruch & dance & mr walls huge project tied in with so busy. today was the best day i've had in awhile. things have been really really difficult with mitchell and everything, so please, pray for me. but today church was good this morning, Eric preached, and did a GREAT job might i add. and then we went Christmas carrolling tonight, it was really fun. we saw mrs freya, it was great to see her. megan came over inbetween church and i hung out with her for awhile, shes like my sisterr. the first payment of meltdown as been made, so we have a good idea of whos going. its a pretty large group i think we've got 23 people? maybe 24. something like that. it should be fun. i stayed for the 11:00 service today too to listen to the Cantata, Randy did a greatt job. hes a great music director, you can really see the Lord working for him. and also speaking through Eric. and i wanna thank Steve & Boomer for doing sunday school and sunday nights, they're doing a great job. && Becca & Terry for helping out with youth band, they're doing a great job.
so anyways, whats been goin on with me lately?
well im stressed. but Jesus is right here helpin me through it all and i can feel him. and everythings going to be alright.
we get out wednesday. exams are right after Christmas
wall's portfolio is due tuesday, AHH.
i've been working on it for he last two weekends. and Chadley has half of mine at his house. goodness. haha. ill be happy when its over.
band is going good, dance is twice a week our first competition is less than two months away. again, AHH!
i am still reading my bible EVERY night. i just havent felt up to much writing lately. but you could totally feel Jesus all over the place today. it was amazing.
Eric talked about how we should act like its Christmas all the time, just not get into the giving and serving spirit at Christmas, but be like that everyday of our lives. and i thought that was a GREAT sermon. it was definently different than any other Christmas sermon im used to hearing and it was great to hear something new and exciting.
well i will try to post tomorrow.
im going to go watch the notebook, i think.
i love y'all!
God Bless!
- crystal jade.

oh && pray for mitch. hes sick.


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Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

Был у меня период лёгкой влюблённости в коллегу. И прошёл. У меня. А у него, похоже, нет. Особенно после отпуска я к нему совсем охладела и стараюсь дать ему понять, что всё, хэ рэ. Уже прямым текстом сказала: слушай, я тебя больше не люблю, давай не будем усложнять отношения. Но он будто не слышит и не видит ничего. Твердит: это не твои слова, на тебя кто-то повлиял, на самом деле ты меня любишь, я знаю... и в таком духе...

Подскажите, пожалуйста, как с этим разобраться мирным путём? Как поэффективнее отшить человека, при этом не портя отношений окончательно? Увольняться ни мне, ни ему не представляется возможным...да и не хочу я грязное бельё на людях трясти! Но он меня уже достал своей любовью!
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