Tuesday, July 3, 2007


hey y`all
omgosh today was a long day just b/c i went to bed really late and had to get up at like 6 am for drivers ed! but i did a good job driving so its all good. haha. i think i can pass my drivers test despite what mitchell says. he has no faith in me. haha. even though hes never rode in a car while im driving. so anyway im struggling a little with my devotions on what to read b/c i finished my devotion book so i've got to go get a new one. so today i want to talk about this song that ashley & i are gunna sing together! its called "its You" and its by this really great Christian band called Fireflight. i love the lyrics.
heres the lyrics:
i wish that i could break all the mirros in my mind
the ones that lie to me and steal away my pride
i wish i could be blind to everything that haunts me
if i use my heart i can see your face
You show me the real me

its You that i search for
it is You i cant live without
Your hope is what i long for
when nothings left in me
its You

this world is always trying to take a peice of me
but You are always there to make me feel complete
if i can keep my eyes on what You have for me
i will face the truth and never look away
You'll show me the real me

its You that i search for
it is You i cant live without
Your hope is what i long for
when nothings left in me
its You

when i have no where else to go
and i cant find my way out
Your light it comes to guide me
i cant hide
You show me the real me

its You that i search for
it is You i cant live without
Your hope is what i long for
when nothings left in me
its You

i LOVE this song. the lyrics are amazing. but it says alot. we should always run to God when we have a problem. and he will show us who we really are. he is the light in our darkness and we cant hide our real selves from him. it also talks about how the world is trying to corrupt us but with Gods help we can keep from doing worldly things that wouldnt be something a Christian should do. and we need to keep our eyes on Jesus's plan for us.
this songs lyrics reallyy speak to me
i love y`all!
God Bless!!
- crystal jade

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