Monday, May 21, 2007


hey y`all!
today was great. im in a really good mood. and today i want to talk about Pastor Chad's sermon yesterday. lemme tell you it was a great one :] he was talking about how we should be consumed by God. i encourage you to listen to it when it is up on his blog. anyway i want to tell everyone who reads this [who didnt hear the sermon] some of the key points that Pastor Chad hit :] first off, Hebrew 12:29 says, "For our God is a consuming fire" so, what is a consuming fire? it cannot be stopped, it engulfs everything in its path. well God wants to do that to us! sometimes being consumed by God could be a little scary, but it would be amazing, dont you think? well Pastor Chad was talking about worship, and what it takes to worship, and he said something i truly believe, he said we have to be consumed by God to have true worship. something else he said, most Christians are consumed sometimes, but not all the time. we should realize that worship starts on the inside. okay so, how do you know if your consumed by God? Heres what Pastor Chad told us:
1. We're consumed by God if our mind is consumed with Gods thoughts. for instance, do you think about Gods plans, or what God wants to change in us
2. Is my time consumed by Godly activity? do we do things for God? do we listen to God when he tells us to do something, do we read our bibles, do we pray?
You've gotta ask God to consume your heart. but yeah i thought that was a pretty much amazingg sermon and i felt the need to share it with y`all :]
i love y`all!
God Bless!
- crystal jade

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