Sunday, March 16, 2008

Easter contata!

i went to simpsonville first baptists easter contata tonight. let me tell you, it was pretty much amazing. they put some much work into it and the orchestra was great. Joshua and Ricky did a really good job on trombone and saxophone. and the choir sang so pretty. and the skits, were awesome. the guy actually got up on a was so cool. but it just broke my heart to see him up there, to see my savior die. let me tell you, it made me think. Jesus died for us. he has to be the most selfless person out there. he gave his life for us, when we dont deserve it. we're so unworthy yet he loved us enough, to die for us. just so we could spend eternity with him. i think that is absolutely amazing.

so. i fell in love with this movie. August Rush. i think its the best movie ever.
ya'll should watch it.
i love y'all!
God Bless!!
- crystal jade

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